Friday market analysis:

Bitcoin broke through strongly last night and went up to 65,800.

After opening 65,000 and standing above it for a night of consolidation and shock, the next target is to test the 68,000 position.

However, the pressure test of 68,000 should not be realized in the short term and is expected to start in October.

The intraday market will still take a step forward and continue to fall back, probably around 64,000-64,500.

Ethereum did not stand firm at 2,650 in the early morning, and there is also a need to step back and accumulate power.

The current position in the morning is at 65,000. You can intervene in a short position first and look at 500-800 before considering the next direction. #HMSTR开盘 #美国二季度核心PCE符合预期 #你有多少HMSTR? #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #BTC