I came into contact with the cryptocurrency circle by chance in April 2017. The first private equity I came into contact with was Hongbao Coin. I just entered the market in 2017 and made a small profit in the first half of the bull market. I didn’t make much money because I didn’t understand it at that time. Then I encountered 9.4 and lost about two-thirds of my funds. After 9.4, in November, the bull market started again. I cashed out 60,000 yuan in Jiebei and bet on some altcoins. By January 2018, my funds reached 300,000 yuan. At this time, I felt that life was very good and the year was very comfortable. Not long after, Bitcoin plummeted and fell until mid-February. My funds were basically cut in half. At that time, I was numb because my salary was only 5,000 yuan a month, which was equivalent to several years of work. Later, I kept working until August. I couldn’t bear it anymore and cut my losses to survive. Finally, I only had 80,000 yuan left. Then I encountered the crash in December 2018. I touched the Ethereum contract. As you can imagine, my position was blown up and returned to 0. I was unwilling to accept it, so I withdrew 18 from my credit card and continued to short Ethereum. With better luck, I got some of my money back. Later, I changed to short EOS, but it turned out to be a big rebound. I stopped the loss, paid the remaining money to the credit card, and confessed to my family. My family gave me 60,000 to fill the gap. Then I saw that Bitcoin had risen from 3120 to 6000 US dollars. I was still unwilling to accept it, so I chose to cash out my credit card again, with 100,000 to continue shorting Bitcoin, and stopped the loss at 8200, losing more than 70,000. Later, I was really discouraged. Because I changed jobs at that time, my salary increased to 7,000. I wanted to work hard and not invest in these things anymore, but I couldn't help myself and looked at the market from time to time. As a result, I cashed out 120,000 and chose to buy EOS at the bottom of 5.8. It rebounded to 6.8 and ran away. I continued to buy EOS at the bottom of 5.2 for half a year. At the beginning of 2020, I rebounded and cleared my position. At that time, I felt debt-free and relaxed. Then I encountered the plunge on March 12, 2020. I bought EOS at the bottom. The average price was around 2.67, and then I lay flat for a year until January 2021. In January, I saw the big bull market coming, so I started to do contracts and my funds expanded to 1.2 million. Then I cashed out about 950,000 in March and April to give to my family. The remaining 350,000 continued to trade coins. I chose to go long on Ont 3 times, and I entered the market at the highest point. It fell all the way. At that time, I started from 360.Weilidai, Baidu Finance cashed out 275,000 and covered the position at 1.8, but it met 5.19. I stopped loss at 0.87, which was really one step away from the liquidation. In the end, there was only 40,000 yuan left, and I felt dizzy at the time. I cried and confessed to my mother. My mother gave me 250,000 yuan and asked me to repay the loan and told me not to gamble anymore. She said that this thing came and went quickly, and you have bad luck in making money, but I lost 600,000 yuan in less than a week. I was really unwilling to accept it. I suffered from insomnia for more than 2 months, but I was still unwilling to accept it. I chose to set up 10 cards again. When Bitcoin hit 41,000 in July 2021, I shorted Bitcoin at 33 times. As a result, I was liquidated and 100,000 yuan was liquidated overnight. Later, when Bitcoin broke through 52,000, I set up 300,000 cards, went long Bitcoin at a low multiple, recovered 360,000, cleared all loans, and I still had 260,000 left. Then Bitcoin fell and I was at 58,000. I went long at 2x, and when it fell below 51,000 and rebounded to 53,000, I stopped loss and lost 60,000, leaving 210,000. Then after the Chinese New Year, I had thought it through. I would play Bitcoin with a small position and make a few thousand dollars a month for living expenses. In February 2022, I went long on Bitcoin with a small position, and basically the winning rate was above 80%, and I made a steady profit of 5,000 US dollars. I felt that if I kept going like this, it would be great to be able to survive the bear market safely, but human nature is like this. If there is no order, I want to force an order to do it, and as a result, I was in trouble on Luna. I accidentally clicked a high-multiple full-position long at 81, and the liquidation price was 73. At that time, because I was afraid of liquidation, I chose to stop loss at 78.3, and lost 5,700 US dollars in one go. Then I have been shorting waves with a low multiple and half position near the high of 28.5, and recovered 2,500 US dollars. Then I accidentally saw GMT again At that time, I chose to short GMT with a low multiple and a light position. It went up all of a sudden. The more it went up, the more I added positions. Later, I chose to stop loss. The next day, I went long on Bitcoin at a high multiple of 40,800, but it turned out to be a needle in the sky, which took away another 5,600 US dollars from me in just over 10 minutes. Then I shorted Waves at a high level of 30.77. Because my mentality had collapsed at that time, I broke through the stop loss at 31, chased the long position, and then it fell again. Both high stop losses were stopped by me, resulting in a loss of 3,500 US dollars. I lost 90,000 in just a few days. Now I only have 130,000 yuan left. I feel very depressed and uncomfortable. I really don’t know whether I should stop. In the past few years, I have gone from hundreds of thousands to 0. There have been several times when I felt that life was worse than death. Because I graduated from a junior college, my salary is not high, and my parents are also ordinary people, the cost of trial and error is really low. Once I fail, it is really difficult to turn over. At the same time, Marvin (address 7055), as a meme coin related to Musk's pet dog, has a strong community consensus, a 500-fold expectation, and is expected to be listed on major exchanges. The current market value is relatively low, and it is indeed suitable for building a position.#HMSTR开盘 #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #你有多少HMSTR? #美国二季度核心PCE符合预期 #PayPal将允许美国商家交易加密货币