🐳•Prepare your position

During this period, the sharks need an overwhelmingly large number of coins to prepare to dump. The best technique is usually to buy in small quantities, to avoid driving up the price and avoiding fraud.

Some altcoins have very low trading volumes so it takes a lot of time to gather enough coins by buying small amounts. In that case, the sharks are forced to pump to stimulate sellers to get what they need, which is a large market share. I applied this to the pairs Doge/BTC, UNO/BTC, and GLC/BTC or those coin pairs with many candlesticks.

🐳•Push the price down

Absurd, right? Why doesn't it pump altcoins a few times before pushing the price down? But like I said, price doesn't matter to the shark as long as it can sell higher. However like any business, it wants costs to be as low as possible. In the early stages, traders want to buy as many coins as possible, by selling in large quantities at low prices, buying back their own coins and pushing the crowd to sell coins at low prices. The price wall is created by sharks like the invisible hand of the market

🐳•Test pump

Before pumping for real, sharks often test the market. The reason why? Very simple. They want to make sure that they have enough coins to control the market. Like other stages, test pumping will be performed multiple times during both the pumping and discharging process. By testing, the shark will determine the resistance levels and how many chickens are trading. Sharks do not like cocks, due to which they do not create support levels during pumping. Therefore, they want to eliminate these noise signals right from the initial stages. (Fake Pumb)

🐳•Really pumping

Như tên đã thể hiện, tất cả các gà sẽ bị đẩy khỏi thị trường, cá mập đã bắt đầu có thị phần sẵn sàng thực hiện các bước cần thiết. (Pumb)

🐳•Prepare your position

During this period, the sharks need an overwhelmingly large number of coins to prepare to dump. The best technique is usually to buy in small quantities, to avoid driving up the price and avoiding fraud.

Some altcoins have very low trading volumes so it takes a lot of time to gather enough coins by buying small amounts. In that case, the sharks are forced to pump to stimulate sellers to get what they need, which is a large market share. I applied this to the pairs Doge/BTC, UNO/BTC, and GLC/BTC or those coin pairs with many candlesticks.

🐳•Push the price down

Absurd, right? Why doesn't it pump altcoins a few times before pushing the price down? But like I said, price doesn't matter to the shark as long as it can sell higher. However like any business, it wants costs to be as low as possible. In the early stages, traders want to buy as many coins as possible, by selling in large quantities at low prices, buying back their own coins and pushing the crowd to sell coins at low prices. The price wall is created by sharks like the invisible hand of the market

🐳•Test pump

Before pumping for real, sharks often test the market. The reason why? Very simple. They want to make sure that they have enough coins to control the market. Like other stages, test pumping will be performed multiple times during both the pumping and discharging process. By testing, the shark will determine the resistance levels and how many chickens are trading. Sharks do not like cocks, due to which they do not create support levels during pumping. Therefore, they want to eliminate these noise signals right from the initial stages. (Fake Pumb)

🐳•Really pumping

As the name shows, all the chickens will be pushed out of the market, the sharks have started to have a market share ready to take the necessary steps. (Pumb)

#altcoins #bitcoin