This story is the first impression of many people on the cryptocurrency circle, and it is also one of the stories that attracts many young people to rush into the cryptocurrency circle.

"Once a junior student asked a question on Zhihu, "A junior student has 6,000 yuan on hand and wants to make some small investments to make some money. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Science fiction writer Chang Qia replied: "Buy Bitcoin, save the wallet file, and then forget that you have 6,000 yuan. See again in five years."

The time of answering the question was December 21, 2011. At that time, the price of one BTC was about 4.25 US dollars, which was about 27 yuan per coin in RMB. 6,000 yuan could buy about 220. In the last bull market, the price of one BTC was about 60,000 US dollars. If this junior student listened to the advice, the assets of 6,000 yuan in ten years would double by 14,000 times, and 220 would be worth 13.2 million US dollars, about 95 million RMB, close to 100 million, and would achieve wealth freedom in the secular sense."

Tell me how you entered the cryptocurrency circle?

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