Google Cloud announced: a partnership with Wormhole and its introduction to Guardian Network

🔹Wormhole announced at Solana Breakpoint 2024 in Singapore: product launch intention, rapid native token Swap launch, multi-chain institutional integration, UI/UX upgrade

🔹Securitize, which helps BlackRock manage blockchain assets, announced: selected Wormhole as the exclusive interoperability solution provider for all its digital assets

🔹Worldcoin announced: selected Wormhole to complete the work of introducing World ID to Solana

🔹MakerDAO announced: will adopt Wormhole NTT to expand its ecosystem

🔹Phantom announced: integrated Mayan, a cross-chain auction protocol powered by Wormhole, as its cross-chain Swap solution provider

🔹Synthetix announced: has integrated Wormhole as the exclusive interoperability solution for its new L2 SNAXchain

✅I personally am optimistic about @wormhole in the long term With the development of Wormhole, the market price will rise as a natural result. It is natural to buy it. The weekly bottom has also been reached. If you have spare money, buy it and prepare for the outbreak! Give it a follow! $W