1. Binance's opening trading volume was $25 million in 8 minutes. New coins almost never have such low trading volume, indicating that there is no chip dumping (lauchpool chips are only 3%)

0.11 benchmarked against a market value of 700 million, and the turnover rate is so low

2. The market value is seriously overestimated, but it opened high and is now going low

3. The contract is not announced after the launch, which is not transparent and the real circulation cannot be checked

Junk project

If the contract address is not announced

The exchange is definitely an accomplice of evil

Who has the chips? Are they all issued by market makers?

Do major exchanges not care whether users take over at high prices in order to attract new users?

On the contrary, it is not as good as Cati Lauchpool's 9% chips, which steadily opens low to let users make money

I don't mean to criticize Binance

I am always optimistic about Binance and support Binance

I only think highly of Binance

After all, my money is basically earned on Binance

After all, if you want to join my group, you have to go through Binance rebate to enter