Firo (FIRO) is a decentralized, open-source cryptocurrency that focuses on privacy and security. Formerly known as Zcoin (XZC), Firo rebranded in 2021 to emphasize its unique features.$FIRO

Key Stats:

- Market Capitalization: $16 million

- Circulating Supply: 12 million FIRO

- Total Supply: 21.3 million FIRO

- Current Price: $1.33


- _Private Transactions_: Firo's Lelantus protocol enables confidential and anonymous transactions.

- _Zero-Knowledge Proofs_: Firo utilizes zk-SNARKs to ensure transaction privacy.

- _MTP (Merkle Tree Proof)_: Enhances security and scalability.

Use Cases:

- Private and secure transactions

- Decentralized finance (DeFi)

- Gaming and esports

- E-commerce


- Binance

- Huobi


- KuCoin


- Firo Wallet

- Ledger Live

- Trezor

- MetaMask

Price Performance:

- All