**Binance’s Complex Relationship with Russia: An Ongoing Saga**

**Binance Continues Serving Russian Users**

Despite announcing its exit from Russia in 2023, Binance has not completely severed ties. The platform continues to support a limited number of Russian users, ensuring the safety of their digital assets. While committed to complying with international sanctions, Binance maintains a foothold in Russia’s crypto landscape, indicating that its departure was not as absolute as it seemed.

**Russian Telegram Channel Remains Active and Engaged**

Binance keeps in touch with its Russian users through a Russian-language Telegram channel with over 130,000 subscribers. This channel provides updates on new token listings and platform changes, keeping Russian crypto enthusiasts engaged. Although direct trading is restricted, the channel ensures continued connection, making the exit appear more like a technical adjustment.

**Binance’s Website Still Draws Russian Traffic**

Russia remains a significant source of traffic for Binance’s website, accounting for 6% of total visits despite a 43% drop between August 2023 and July 2024. This ongoing traffic indicates that Binance remains relevant to many Russian users, even without an official presence.

**Binance and CommEx Collaboration**

Following its exit announcement, Binance sold its local operations to CommEx, which shut down by April 2024. Despite denying direct ties, there were overlaps, including former Binance employees joining CommEx. This quick shutdown raises questions about Binance’s real involvement and whether it will ever fully leave the Russian market.

**The Future of Binance in Russia**

The future of Binance in Russia remains uncertain. While the exchange focuses on compliance and adhering to sanctions, its continued presence through traffic and Telegram shows that Russia still matters. Whether through an official return or maintaining a quiet connection, Binance’s role in Russia’s cryptocurrency space is far from over.