Bear market does not necessarily make you lose a lot, on the contrary, bull market is the real risk!

Why do you say that? Let me reveal the truth for you, and everyone should correct it if you have it, and encourage it if you don’t!

1. The FOMO sentiment of the market will make you afraid of missing every opportunity, and as a result, you will impulsively follow the trend, and finally take over the high-level market.

2. Seeing that everyone is showing off their profits, you can't help but invest heavily, thinking of becoming famous in one gamble, but the result is often a big gambling and a complete failure.

3. When all currencies rise together, you are afraid of missing out, so you chase the rise and enter the market, but in the end you become the top capital and are stuck at a high position.

In this market, keeping a calm mind is sometimes the key to winning! Don't let emotions influence your decision-making, let us face every opportunity rationally!


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