
💥 Fed bosses gather, new interest rate cut trends revealed tonight! Market heartbeat accelerates, investors, are you ready❓

Fed officials speak intensively at night: the market is waiting for new guidance on interest rate cuts

Tonight, the financial market will usher in a feast of policy views. Many heavyweight Fed officials, led by Powell, will be followed by Collins, Kugler, Bowman, Williams, Barr and Cook. They will speak one after another.

This series of speech storms, following the Fed's 50 basis point (BP) interest rate cut to kick off the easing cycle, undoubtedly injected high attention and expectations into the market.

The interest rate cut cycle has just begun, and the market is still hotly discussing

Since the announcement of the interest rate cut decision, the market's speculation and pricing on the Fed's subsequent actions have continued to heat up, and the extent of the interest rate cut for the rest of this year has become the focus of market discussion.

As the first week after the meeting, the officials' statements may provide the market with valuable policy clues and expectation corrections, and further clarify the path of interest rate cuts.

Market volatility warning, everyone needs to respond with caution

Given the profound impact of the Fed officials' remarks on market sentiment and asset price trends, tonight's intensive speeches are expected to cause sharp market fluctuations.

Everyone needs to remain highly vigilant and pay close attention to the details of the officials' remarks so as to adjust strategies in time and effectively manage potential risks.

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