Hello everyone, I am your cat. I am afraid of being attacked in the morning, so I changed my sleep time to the morning. So I get up later and later. The reason is to reduce the potential risk of loss. On the eve of a high probability of a change in the market, I can only open short positions at the top of the mountain to lock in the long orders and spot profits. After confirming the start of the callback, close the long orders. A lot of handling fees are wasted, there is no way. Don't learn my operation method, it is not suitable. There is no way. I didn't sleep for 2wu (retracement) the night before, and I can't remember the food but not the fight.

At 3 a.m., the bulls created a "huge" support level at 630. Those who were awake should have seen it. However, it is unknown how long this support can last.

Then start watching, still $BTC start

The 4-hour level does not break the middle track, so we continue to pay attention to the situation of 644 and 626. One is the key position to determine the upward breakthrough, and the other is the key position to determine the downward breakthrough. It is meaningless to guess the size here. It is not too obvious at the 4-hour level. Let's look at the daily line.

This box has been drawn this week, and you can notice where we are now. This downward trend line, about every 2 to 3 days, the value goes down by about 100 points. Before it falls below this downward trend line and is suppressed by this line, it is not considered that the long position is over. The current price of the daily level middle track is 60700.

It is irrational to bet on a breakthrough or a breakout halfway up the mountain. A potential reason why the price cannot fall is the delivery of large options on Friday. The maximum pain point price is 580. If it is delayed, the short option will suffer heavy losses. This may also be a big reason why the bulls have been constantly protecting the market.

We are not able to go up and down like this now, which is not a good thing. The repeated support will give you an illusion that you can buy more without thinking when the price reaches a certain level, because the daily line will rebound anyway. The next time the main bulls do not support the market, it will fall through instantly. So don't be lazy to place a limit order at this time, you must follow the market wherever it goes.

It has been three days in a row, with the market falling in the early morning and rebounding on the daily chart. It is really torturous.

Continue watching $ETH

The 4-hour level does not break the middle track, and the bullish pattern is still intact. Here we need to pay attention to whether the rebound will appear in the form of "top low", and the potential resistance level is 2626-2630. Breaking through and standing firm at 2653 again is the basis for restoring the strong bullish trend. If it continues to top low, we need to beware of the potential risk of "drawing gate".

The daily bullish pattern is really hard to read. It has been running against the middle line for 6 days. It can't go up unless it breaks down. Now the upper and lower positions are clear. The price will continue to run towards whichever side is broken. It will start to draw a door if it breaks down 2530. If it breaks through 2650 and stands firm, it can continue to move upward. Judging from the current pattern, the possibility of moving upward is low. For those who have more orders, pay more attention to 2530.

Continue watching $SOL

The bullish pattern at the 4-hour level is complete. From the beginning of the rise to now, it has not fallen below the middle line. It has been terribly strong recently, showing a particularly strong resistance to declines and a fast rebound. Is it because there is a clear solution to the FTT issue? I don’t pay much attention to the news. In the past few days, it has swept away the previous "downturn", which is hard to believe. At the 4-hour level, pay attention to whether it can be maintained above 149.5 for 2 4 hours, and then pay attention to the breakthrough of 152.8.

The daily level has been wiped out and recovered many times, and the pattern is good. The obvious resistance level above is 161.5-163, and 152.8 is also a resistance level. Pay more attention to whether the closing line can be received above 149.5. Pay more attention to whether it will break out of the top low pattern.

Finally, let's look at BNB

The 4-hour level scratched the middle track yesterday and quickly recovered, but scratches in this place are not a good sign, which often means that the bulls are not as strong as we think. Let's pay attention to whether the daily closing line can be received above 590, and whether the upper 604 can be broken again. If it is suppressed all the time, it will become a top-low pattern. If it cannot break through upward, it will continue to bottom out.

This not-so-obvious top low on the daily chart needs more attention. In addition, it is best not to buy bnb at a price above 590. This price is not suitable for both short-term and long-term holding. In any case, there will be a callback. If you miss out on it for a short time, you can buy it when it callbacks again. The more suitable the price of the chips you buy, the stronger your confidence in holding.

BNB has reached several levels this year. Starting from May, the previous lows are 400-430-450-470-500. If there is a big correction, you can still buy in batches according to these levels. BNB below 500 will not kill you before October 25.

Finally, I still don’t believe that the market has been dragging on until now. I don’t consider the 650 suppression of the monthly line. The simplest way of thinking is that if you really want to pull up, it is easy to push the price directly to 650. It is dragging and not pulling, just protecting the market and bouncing it up every time it falls. It is hard for me to believe that he really wants to pull up the market.

Let's see what happens after the options are delivered on Friday. The next question is when will the correction begin and how deep will it be. I don't want to argue about anything anymore. There is no such thing as a correction in a bull market.

Recently, under constant psychological pressure, I have less and less to say. For example, old fans should know that before the bullish pattern is broken, you can enter a long position if the price falls back without breaking the middle track. But why haven’t I said anything about it recently?

Yeah, why?

Because of the greed of some friends, your high-multiple all-in and shirking of responsibilities, I can't speak. But today I thought of a way. If I see anyone who is high-multiple all-in again, I will block him. Because I am on the left side, and I have emphasized countless times that the left side is risky. I block you to protect you. I don't want you to lose all your money. Those who are high-multiple all-in should learn the trading method on the right side. You can go to the square @缠中圣手 @行舟 @诗魂 . The left side can only be low-multiple + stop loss, betting on the profit and loss ratio, not the winning rate. Once you are high-multiple all-in, you can't stop loss. How to play stop loss with a full position of 30x? 1% stop loss, if you lose 3 times, your principal will be lost.

Once again, I emphasize that high-power shuttle on the left side will lead to death sooner or later.