Don't rush to place an order at $BTC . Be patient and wait. Especially since there are financial data coming out today, you have to be more cautious. I guess there won't be any big moves today.

I guess this position may be the center of price fluctuations in the next two weeks, just like the middle position of a scale, with a range of about 59 to 68. And 63 to 64 is right in the middle of this range. It's really not wise to buy or sell now.

We can either wait until the price drops to 59 before selling, or simply wait until it rises to around 68 before considering it. This is not only a matter of buying and selling, but also a time to exercise our patience. I know that most people find it difficult to bear not operating for a few days, and their hands are always itchy, but we must remember that patience is the king of making money!

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