If you don't follow orders thoroughly, you are equal to not following orders at all. As a trader, you must have the final say and stick to your own ideas and stop-loss and stop-profit.

As a trader or strategy analyst, the most taboo thing is to listen to others talking about shorting, longing, cutting meat, etc., without your own ideas and taking JB orders (rough and unclear words).

For so many years and thousands of days and nights, how many KOLs or orders have been taken, whether they are copying or plagiarizing, they have changed one after another. It's not that they are financially free, but that they don't have perseverance and core technology and persistence and love.

Yesterday, many small leeks or KOLs asked me to go long at 64,000. If I listen to your rhythm, I will be confused again. What Sanma needs is not your ideas, but my own rhythm must be synchronized with the dealer, and it can't be chaotic.#BTC#翻仓