Last night, BTC rebounded to 63800 during the US trading session. The group was notified in real time that 63925 and above were taken profits, which was quite timely. If you fail to break through effectively several times, you should start to lower your profit expectations. For the low-long orders that failed to take profits last night, you can take profits in batches when the intraday rebounds today. The current decline is still not strong, and the low-long strategy is still the main one, retreating to advance.

At present, the 12-hour MACD dead cross opens downward, but it is still far away from the zero axis. There is a certain support between 62700 and 62350, which is still a low-long opportunity. However, the small-level MACD below 1 hour has fallen below the zero axis. The current rebound belongs to the pullback below 1 hour, so the intraday rebound is limited, and above 63600 becomes resistance.

At the macro level, the rebound momentum of the 2-day line has begun to weaken, the rebound momentum of the 3-day line has not weakened yet, and the 5-day line currently closes with a small cross. Therefore, there will be a small correction in the short term, and there will not be much adjustment. But we should be prepared for the information today and tomorrow. If it is bad news, it may fall back to around 6w. If it is good news, it will pulse down again. But the hourly rebound began to weaken, and 63800 has not been stable. The bulls may start to give up the attack slowly. In the short term, low-long is still the main, and high-short is the auxiliary. You can take a small position in the high-short, and it is safer to fight and retreat at the same time.