Recently, there have been rumors in the industry that Jia Yueting has once again received a financing of up to 30 million US dollars, and this news has caused quite a stir in the industry. Looking back, I have mentioned that from the perspective of an entrepreneur, many of Jia Yueting's decisions are not fundamentally wrong. However, there is a scene that I still remember vividly. That is, at a certain Internet event, Jack Ma mentioned to Jia Yueting the topic of the market position of "Ali, Tencent, and Baidu". At that moment, through the video screen, I keenly realized that Jia Yueting's words may have buried hidden dangers for his future path.

I remember that at that time, the expressions of industry giants such as Liu Chuanzhi seemed extremely solemn under the camera, and they seemed to be watching the development of the situation. Jack Ma opened with the word "I heard", but in fact, his words were meant to convey a certain message to the other two giants present. At that time, LeTV had already shown signs of financial constraints, and Jia Yueting was trying to seek capital support related to these three giants. However, his remarks not only touched the ecological competition nerves between LeTV and these three companies, but also put himself in an extremely unfavorable social environment at one time, offending the head power of the entire industry. You know, behind these three giants is a complex capital network and a huge corporate alliance, and its influence is self-evident.

It is worth mentioning that at that time, there was a wave of anti-monopoly in the Internet market in China. Against this background, Jia Yueting's remarks undoubtedly exacerbated his difficult situation. If you are interested in learning more, you may want to search for that video and carefully observe the subtle expressions of the bigwigs in the audience, which will be an important clue to interpreting this incident.

As for the car manufacturing industry, it was once a hot area pursued by capital, and financing did not seem to be difficult. However, Jia Yueting completely lost a huge circle of support due to a careless remark, which became a key factor in his difficulty in gaining a foothold in the domestic market. It is undeniable that Jia Yueting has outstanding performance in ability, product aesthetics and strategic thinking, but a careless remark, coupled with the existing ecological competition, ultimately made his "ecological dream" come to nothing.

Imagine if Jack Ma had not raised that question at the time, perhaps Jia Yueting would have been able to successfully obtain a considerable amount of financing. After all, as a clear stream in the investment community, Tencent often pays more attention to the actual capabilities and market share of enterprises rather than excessively interfering in their operations. This pure investment attitude is also one of the reasons why Tencent has stronger investment capabilities in some aspects than Alibaba. They are more willing to act as a resource provider and create all possible opportunities and support for the invested enterprises.

Although Jia Yueting is facing many difficulties today, his story still reminds us: To navigate in the business world, in addition to strong strength, one also needs keen insight and superb social intelligence.