In a recent post on the X platform, Lucy, the anonymous marketing lead for the $SHIB project, shared a mysterious message that has piqued the interest of the Shibizens community. The text of the message reads: “Something big is coming!” suggesting that a new and revolutionary project is in the works. However, despite the great excitement, no one knows exactly what this revolutionary project is.

Lucy added to the excitement by asking a question at the end of the post: “Will it be ShibMarketplace, Shibahub, Treat, or a whole new world?”

Currently, the $SHIB team is actively working on several projects, such as the SHIB Metaverse and Layer-3 on the Shibarium network. Over the course of this year, they have implemented two major updates to Shibarium to improve its performance, reduce gas fees, and improve user experience.

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