I write this with tears of emotion đŸ„č

On a sleepless night in January 2021, I was looking at crypto projects on twitter like I used to do đŸ„±

A tweet about LUNA ($LUNA) from a cryptocurrency analyst I was reading a while back caught my attention. Although it was an unknown project to me, its potential intrigued me. The recommendation from someone I trusted was the starting point for my research. (Thanks Juan!)

😼‍💹 That same night, after hours of research and almost no sleep, I decided to take the risk and invest my savings ($500) in LUNA, a cryptocurrency that promised to revolutionize the stable payments space. At the time, the price was only $0.50 per unit, so I was able to buy approximately 1000 tokens.

I remember my heart pounding with excitement as I shopped and stored them in my digital wallet. I felt like I was betting on my future, that something was going to change.

Months later, the crypto community started talking about LUNA. Its team had released innovative updates and adoption was on the rise. The price started to skyrocket.

Every day, I anxiously checked my portfolio, watching my investment grow exponentially. My heart skipped a beat with excitement every time I saw the price go up.

Finally, in December 2021, LUNA reached what was its all-time high of $103 per unit. My initial investment of $500 had turned into a fortune of $103,000! I couldn't believe it. I felt like I had won the lottery. My life had changed. I was overcome with emotion, I was crying with joy. đŸ„łđŸ˜­

At this point, I became worried about losing my fortune, so I decided to sell all my LUNA
 I watched with a bit of regret as it rose to $120 if my memory serves me right, and after that, those who have been in this world for a while know what happened: LUNA went from being worth pennies to being replaced. Many people lost their life savings and even their homes in that fall. 💔🏠

â˜đŸ» For my part, I had sold before the crash and my profit of $103,000 was enough to pay off my debts and give me time to plan for my future. From then on, I knew I would never leave the crypto world.

This experience taught me that patience, research and faith in yourself can change your life. Remember:

- Research before investing.

- Don't let emotion dominate you.

- Diversify your portfolio to minimize risks

- Patience is key in the crypto world.

And above all, never underestimate yourself or give up because behind that last effort may be that action that changes your life
 Like what happened to me!

The story continues
 Then I diversified my portfolio and had more adventures but without a doubt this is the one that left the biggest mark on me because it made me aware of the potential of the cryptographic world.

And you, have you experienced something like that? I'll read you in the comments đŸ‘‡đŸ»đŸ‘‡đŸ»đŸ‘‡đŸ»đŸ‘‡đŸ»