[Telegram wallet temporarily blocks access to UK users due to restructuring] Golden Finance reported that Telegram announced that due to corporate restructuring, Telegram wallets for UK users will be temporarily restricted until the company is registered as a crypto asset provider with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Users can still withdraw funds to external wallets for free during this period. Telegram said that registering as a crypto asset provider is to comply with current regulations. At the same time, the platform decided to share user data, including phone numbers and IP addresses, with law enforcement agencies under "valid legal requests" after policy changes, which has aroused concerns among privacy and anti-censorship advocates. Telegram founder Pavel Durov defended that these measures are intended to protect users from criminal activities. In addition, Telegram also announced that it will disable the personal geolocation function and replace it with the "Nearby Merchants" option, and stop supporting the "Telegraph" blogging tool because some users abused the platform to spread illegal content. Durov emphasized that most users did not take advantage of this feature, but a small number of criminals posed a threat to the law-abiding community.