Her Boyfriend Set a Trap and Stole Her 54 Ethereum (ETH) Worth $125,000!

While the popularity of cryptocurrencies is increasing day by day, an interesting event took place. The news came from Diyarbakır.

According to DHA news, a person in Diyarbakır set a trap for his girlfriend A.T. and stole the money from her cryptocurrency account.

In Diyarbakır, a person named Ö.Ç. set a trap for his girlfriend A.T. and seized A.T.'s mobile phone with the help of his friend who was hiding in the room.

Ö.Ç. took the phone and transferred 54 Ethereum (ETH) worth 125 thousand dollars from his girlfriend's crypto account to another account using the seized mobile phone and escaped.

According to the news, Ö.Ç. was helped by his two friends. The cunning friends were caught by the fingerprint on the doorbell of the apartment. It was stated that the other suspect, one of his friends, was on leave and returned to prison.

According to the news, A.T. started coming to his girlfriend Ö.Ç.’s house from time to time. When he came again one day, Ö.Ç.’s friend M.P., who had previously entered the house and hid in the room, took the opportunity and seized A.T.’s phone. The person named M.P. transferred 54 Ethereum worth 125 thousand dollars from A.T.’s cryptocurrency account to another account.

According to the news, this time another friend of Ö.Ç., U.R.A., rang the doorbell at the entrance of the apartment building and Ö.Ç. asked A.T. to leave the house, stating that his cousin had arrived. Thereupon, A.T. left the house and when he checked his account a while later, he noticed that it had been reset and filed a complaint. The police, who examined the camera footage, saw the suspects rang the doorbell of the apartment and took their fingerprints. The police, who identified the suspects from the fingerprints, detained the suspects Ö.Ç. and M.P. Later, Ö.Ç. and M.P. were arrested by the court.

It was stated that as a result of the investigation carried out by the police, it was determined that 550 thousand TL of A.T.'s stolen money was spent and the remaining 3 million 700 thousand TL was blocked.

*This is not investment advice.