After paying by phone, it is now possible to pay in bitcoin in Vite or any other cryptocurrency, this famous cryptocurrency that has been talked about for several years now. This is the case in this Carrefour Express in Rouen.

This is new (for the uninitiated)! It is possible to pay in bitcoin, the famous cryptocurrency, at the Carrefour Express on Rue de la RĂ©publique in Rouen. This initiative is that of the manager, franchisee, Fabien Sausset. "I set this up on the sly in June and at one point, the information spread on social networks," he explains. "I have been following cryptocurrencies for years," he continues. "Since for me, it is an alternative to fiat currencies, I found it normal to offer it." Today, technology allows it because "payment is instantaneous," he says. And this is good news for Pierre-Alexandre, content creator specializing in cryptocurrencies, better known as Le Cryptonome. "To pay, it is done in a few clicks on an application," he explains. For a pack of Kinder at 4.19 euros, "we pay in satoshi, therefore in bitcoin cents because as bitcoin is worth around 64,000 dollars, that would make transactions at 0.001 bitcoin". After going through the checkout, the manager gave him an invoice.

An association of enthusiasts

In Rouen, cryptocurrency enthusiasts also meet within the Normandie Bitcoin association, of which Fabien Sausset, manager of the Carrefour Express on Rue de la RĂ©publique in Rouen, is a member. "It brings together fans of this technology, which allows us to meet once a month," he confides. "We discuss cryptocurrency or anything else of course." It was also a member of the association who came to make the first bitcoin payment at Fabien's store. $BTC $VITE