RBC Russia and surprising news for the digital currency market

Russia's Ministry of Finance is considering the idea of ​​exporting cryptocurrencies produced from mining activities taking place in the country. The ministry says this mechanism will also work similarly for the country's exports of natural gas.

Russia will allow miners to sell cryptocurrencies Russian miners may get permission to sell cryptocurrencies as an export commodity. It was also discussed by Deputy Finance Minister Ivan Chepskov during the roundtable on “Cryptocurrencies and the Future of Digital Finance.”

Speaking to Russian media RBC, Chepiskov said: “There is an option and a bill – to use cryptocurrency export as a product of mining activity. That is, there are special legislation for exporting gas. For example, using this example, we developed a concept, a project so that a miner can export a product that they have mined. That is, cryptocurrency as an export product. Such a legislative initiative is also being formed in our country

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