India's Enforcement Directorate (ED) has arrested four individuals for allegedly committing financial fraud and laundering money through cryptocurrencies. The accused operated Fiewin, an online betting and gaming platform that allegedly froze user accounts after they deposited funds. ED reportedly received technical assistance from Binance in tracking the flow of funds during the course of its investigation. Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, has been cooperating with law enforcement agencies around the world to combat financial crime. The arrests are a sign that Indian authorities are taking a tough stance on crypto-related crime. In recent months, the ED has conducted several raids on cryptocurrency exchanges and businesses suspected of money laundering. The arrests and Binance's assistance highlight the growing role of cryptocurrency in financial crime. As the cryptocurrency澂栮 grows, so too does the potential for its misuse. Law enforcement agencies around the world are working to develop strategies to combat crypto-related crime and protect investors.