A small method of opening a position that is relatively less likely to cause major losses (rewritten)

This was the article that I accidentally deleted when deleting Chen Zhuqi's article this morning. I accidentally clicked the wrong one and deleted it by mistake. The article is gone. Some friends in the group said it is still very useful, so I rewrote it. The content may be slightly different from last night, but the deviation is not large.

Many friends don't like to open a position with a stop loss, so this method is more suitable. We understand trading as a game of guessing the size of the probability. Stop loss and liquidation determine our "deviation value", so what we have to do is to make this game as much as possible with a fixed principal and the maximum number of times to play. Follow the following method.

Each time you use 1% of your position, position by position, you can play this game at least 90 times at 10x, with a tolerance rate of 9.6%

Each time you use 1% of your position, position by position, you can play this game at least 45 times at 20x, with a tolerance rate of 4.96%

Each time you use 1% of your position, position by position, you can play this game at least 35 times at 25x, with a tolerance rate of 3.96%

Each time you use 1% of your position, position by position, you can play this game at least 25 times at 30x, with a tolerance rate of 3.29%

Each time you use 1% of your position, position by position, you can play this game at least 15 times at 50x, with a tolerance rate of 1.98%

When the profit doubles the principal, you can take out the principal by increasing leverage or closing half of the position, and the remaining profit is a 0-cost position, further reducing the pressure of holding positions.

As long as you guess right once, you can play this game at least 5 more times. Even if you have the worst luck, you won’t be wrong every time, right? The pressure of holding positions is much less, and it will be more interesting if you encounter extreme market conditions. After you are blown up, you can go and pick up chips. At that time, there are bloody chips everywhere, and most people have lost the ability to buy at the bottom.

You just open it like this, and you don’t need to set a stop loss anymore. Stop loss when the position is blown up. After playing for a period of time, it must be more suitable than if you have a full position without stop loss and do it randomly. Because the maximum single loss is only 1% + handling fee, if you can control it, the profit should be positive over the period.

If it is still negative after a month, my friend, you really need to learn some trading common sense. Guessing the size should not be so backward. If you are Sister Deng, then just ignore what I said.。。