#BNB金鏟子 Recently, there have been an endless stream of articles recommending BNB on the square. Is it really that good? Actually, it is not. First of all, if you have mined, you will find that the difference in income between FDUSD and BNB mining is actually not that big, and the cost-effectiveness of BNB above 600 is really not high. I entered the market at 601 half a year ago, and it has only been recovered now. Of course, low-priced BNB is worth holding, and you can be safe. It is not recommended to rush at the moment. Although Lao Zhao is about to come out and will be destroyed quarterly, you know, everyone knows it, and the big players know it better. Besides, don’t expect Lao Zhao’s affairs to be over. The Americans clearly know that Lao Zhao has hundreds of billions. Did they go to such lengths to fine Lao Zhao billions? The Americans are not so kind, right? Capital is not so kind, right? Waiting for the follow-up