They are undoubtedly the most lucky examples in the cryptocurrency circle. However, the wealth accumulated by luck alone is often returned to the tide of the market due to the lack of corresponding strength support. In the turbulent ocean of cryptocurrency, the trajectory of fate is as thrilling as riding a roller coaster.

There is such a female investor who, with her keen insight into the trend of LUNA cryptocurrency, used a principal of $220,000 to short sell, and successfully achieved a 60-fold return by using 20 times leverage in the huge fluctuation of $LUNA from nearly $100 to only 1 cent. She earned tens of millions of dollars overnight and wrote a jaw-dropping legend of getting rich. However, the joke of fate is that this huge success eventually turned into a bubble due to market reversal and her own lack of risk management. She fell into bankruptcy, once again proving the truth that "luck brings wealth, strength keeps it".

On the other hand, Liang Xi, a grassroots trading wizard in the cryptocurrency circle, is also full of legendary stories. Starting from the initial capital of 1,000 yuan, within just one month, with his deep understanding of the market and superb trading skills, his assets quickly expanded to 20 million, and once exceeded the peak of 40 million, achieving an astonishing 20,000 times return rate. From an Internet cafe master to a giant in the currency circle, he relied on high-frequency trading and high-leverage strategies to make 30 million yuan in profits in one month, becoming a good story in the industry.

What is even more commendable is that after achieving great success, Liang Xi did not forget to give back to the society. He generously donated millions to help poor children, showing a strong sense of social responsibility. At the same time, he also handed over tens of millions of wealth to his father for safekeeping, reflecting his deep affection for his family. However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people. Liang Xi was sentenced to two years in prison for a fraud case involving the sale of Weibo accounts. Although the amount involved was only 10,000 yuan, and he had refunded the full amount and received a one-month sentence reduction, he had to face two years of prison life in the context of Zhejiang's severe crackdown on fraud crimes.