All the progress we're making with green energy is being "drained" by crypto? Not quite, Bill Maher. While I appreciate your comedy, your latest monologue against Bitcoin missed the mark.

Bitcoin mining isn't the villain it's made out to be. In fact:

☀ It only consumes 0.57% of the world’s energy.

☀ Over 56% of that energy comes from renewable sources.

☀ It’s ideal for creating a flexible baseload that supports renewable energy.

☀ It turns flared gas, which would otherwise be wasted, into a valuable resource.

☀ It utilizes methane from landfills, which is 28 times more harmful than CO2.

In reality, Bitcoin is leading the charge in driving humanity toward a future of clean, sustainable energy. Let’s put an end to the myth that Bitcoin is bad for the environment, once and for all.