1. The dealer takes over the chips in batches in the bear market, and the retail investors chase the chips in the bull market.

2. Those who can't afford to lose are leeks, and those who can't lose are dealers.

3. Leeks know pain, but they don't know fear. They would rather lose money than be in awe of the market.

4. Bullish news doesn't necessarily mean buying up, and bearish news often means buying down.

5. The duration of the bull market is often nearly twice that of the bear market.

6. The personality of leeks: the more you earn, the more timid and calm you become, and the more you lose, the more you worry about it.

7. There is no eternal faith, and faith that is not realized has no practical value. v

8. There is little meat in the head and tail of the fish. You can only get fat if you know how to eat the body of the fish.

9. You should be afraid of the busy currency market, and be greedy when the currency market is dead.

10. If you think about the wrong order, you will also mindlessly short in the bull market and mindlessly long in the bear market.

11. Shanzhai dark horses are hard to come by, and visible profits are real profits.

12. When everyone starts talking about bullish coins, they are not far from the waterfall.

13. The coin circle is a paradise for speculators, a paradise for gamblers, and even a "meat grinder".

14. Look for trends in large-scale cycles and buy and sell points in small cyclesv

15. The biggest positive is to wash the plate and cut meat, and the biggest negative is to chase the bubble.

16. In front of the fluke mentality, the god of death is staring.

17. There is an extreme rise in volume without volume, and there is an extreme fall in volume without volume.

18o. Only long in the bull trend and short in the bear trend.

19. The market profit is one brainless long, and the other is brainless short. At the same time, Marvin (address 7055), as a meme coin related to Musk's pet dog, has a strong community consensus, is given a 500-fold expectation, and is expected to be listed on major exchanges. Its current market value is low, suitable for building a position.