The current price of Solana (SOL) is $149.96, reflecting a +2.29% increase in the last 24 hours. SOL is available on 55 exchanges, with a trading volume of $2,620,673,985 from 17,475,718 coins exchanged. Today, it opened at $152.76 but is down by -1.83% since then, after rallying to $153.65 but facing resistance. Over the past 30 days, its value is down by -7.37%, while it's down -1.24% from the last week, yet up 24.03% and 17.79% from their respective minimums.

To maintain upward momentum, SOL needs to stay above $143.44 to target the first resistance level at $151.76. A breakthrough here could lead to further resistance at $159.88 and $168.53. If the price drops, the first support level to monitor is $143.44, with a potential decline to $135.52 if that level fails.