#Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson says improved decentralized governance will prevent Cardano from becoming a “dictatorial blockchain” like Ethereum and will help avoid the “anarchy” of the Bitcoin network. In an interview with Cointelegraph, Charles Hoskinson criticized Ethereum’s current governance model, explaining that it relies too heavily on co-founder Vitalik Buterin. According to Hoskinson, blockchain developers usually have a choice: keep the protocol simple like Bitcoin’s or “pick a king” to run everything. Cardano’s new governance model solves the “governance trilemma” of efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity through delegated representatives and a membership organization called Intersect, where complex governance decisions are put to a vote. Decisions are made in a decentralized manner, as everyone’s opinions are taken into account. “The entire concept of Ethereum begins and ends with 30-year-old Vitalik Buterin. The community watches him and looks to him for a roadmap. Everyone looks to him for inspiration. He is the only person with enough power to bring people together.If Buterin were removed right now, what would the next Ethereum hard fork look like and how quickly could developers do it?” the Cardano founder asked. Hoskinson believes that Buterin is largely responsible for changing Ethereum’s roadmap, which was previously focused on optimizing the main chain using sharding, but has now shifted to rollups and layer-two solutions to improve the network’s scalability. In recent months, Ethereum’s roadmap has come under fire for expanding the capabilities of layer-two networks as fee revenue and activity on layer-one networks have declined. “Where did this idea of ​​layer-two solutions or rollups come from? Did some random Ethereum engineer suggest it or did Vitalik Buterin write a blog post about it and everyone agreed?” Hoskinson asked. Buterin has previously said that Ethereum is capable of evolving independently of his involvement, as the network is already mature enough that it will not “stand still.” Recently, the co-founder of Ethereum spoke out in favor of individual staking, which, in his opinion, can improve the security and decentralization of the blockchain.