• According to founder Charles Hoskinson, a Voltaire-inspired overhaul of Cardano's governance system will prevent it from becoming a "dictatorship" like Ethereum and avoiding "anarchy" like bitcoin.

speaking to Cointelegraph in Singapore, Hoskinson criticized Ethereum's current governance model, saying it is too dependent on co-founder Vitalik Buterin.

With these three things, we have a better chance of avoiding the anarchy of Bitcoin and the dictatorship of #Ethereum , and we have something that can move forward with a unified voice.

When asked to explain his controversial comments comparing Ethereum to a dictatorship, Hoskinson said that "the whole concept" of Ethereum began and ended with 30-year-old Buterin.

Everyone is waiting for a roadmap from him. And he is the only person who can bring people together. If we take him out of the equation now, what happens to the next hard fork? Hoskinson said Buterin is largely responsible for changing Ethereum's roadmap from optimizing the underlying #blockchain based on sharding to folding and layer 2 networking for scalability.

In recent months, the Ethereum roadmap has been heavily criticized for expanding "L2 mining" opportunities due to declining fee revenue and activity on L1.

Where did the idea to introduce layer 2 and roll-ups come from? Or did Vitalik Buterin write a blog post about it, talk about it and advocate for it? \

son believes Ethereum is heavily influenced by Buterin's vision, but Buterin does not have unilateral power in a decentralized network.

The blockchain uses a combination of off-chain and on-chain governance, including the Ethereum Foundation, with community and stakeholder input into protocols to improve Ethereum and important decisions made at core developer meetings. Controversial decisions can lead to hard forks, such as the rollback of The DAO hack that led to Ethereum Classic.

They can communicate with each other, vote, design and use blockchain-based governments to approve roadmaps on a regular basis, Hoskinson says.

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