Ethereum has been in a shock wash phase recently. Last night, the price of the currency fell sharply to 2590, and then rebounded to a high of 2670, fluctuating by nearly 100 points. It is mainly aimed at the harvest of the Soha Party and heavy players. Back to the market, from the perspective of daily technical indicators, although the MA5 daily moving average continues to rise in the short term, it has not linked the MA30 daily moving average to increase the volume of long positions. For the ultra-short term, the room for growth is insufficient. At the same time, the BOLL technical indicator remains in a close state. The increase in the KDJ technical indicator and the MACD technical indicator is significantly weakened. The MA5 daily moving average and the MA10 daily moving average are still It keeps rising, but the MA30-day moving average continues to fall. The MA5-day moving average has weakened compared to yesterday. From the daily line, the high point is still under strong pressure. From the 4-hour technical indicators, the KDJ technical indicators and the MACD technical indicators still maintain a state of continuous shrinkage of long positions. Although the MA three-day moving averages maintain an upward trend, the MA5-day moving average and the MA10-day moving average have weakened. At the same time, the red TD13 has stabilized, and the red TD1 falling signal appeared at 8 o'clock this morning, indicating that the currency price will continue to fall with a high probability. Now I am shorting. #金价屡创新高 #加密市场反弹 #AI概念币普涨