The crypto world has been taken by storm ⚡️ with the leak of Binance Moonbix, a space-themed Play-to-Earn game, ahead of its planned launch date. This leak means we’re extremely early to a major Binance release—an opportunity not to be missed. 🚀

Jump in now and get ahead of the crowd! Start earning points and completing tasks before anyone else, positioning yourself for bigger rewards when the Airdrop officially launches. 👨‍🚀 🌌

About Moonbix

Moonbix is a space-themed Play-to-Earn Mini App game on Telegram, created by none other than the iconic, world-leading crypto exchange Binance. Players take control of spaceships to explore galaxies, collecting items like coins and mystery spaceships to boost their scores.

With daily check-ins, tasks, and opportunities to invite friends for extra points, players can climb the leaderboard and compete for crypto rewards. 💰💸

#MOONBIX #moonbix #moonbixbinanacecoin #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #BinanceLaunchpoolCATI