BTC will fluctuate violently tomorrow, with very important information stimuli throughout the day. It may reach a new high, so you can start to ambush in batches from today.

Tomorrow (Thursday) information:

7:50: Bank of Japan releases minutes of July monetary policy meeting

12:00: Accenture (ACN) announces Q4 2024 financial report before US stock market on 26th

12:02: Jefferies (JEF) announces Q3 2024 financial report after US stock market on 25th

20:30: Continued unemployment claims from September 14 to 21, annualized quarterly final value of GDP deflator in the second quarter, annualized quarterly final value of personal consumption expenditure (PCE) in the second quarter

21:10: Boston Fed President Collins hosts online meeting on central bank supervision and financial inclusion, Fed Governor Kugler will attend

21:20: Fed Chairman Powell pre-records video to open an event

21:25: FOMC permanent voting member, New York Fed President Williams delivers a speech

22:30: Fed Governor Barr delivers a speech