1. What is your main goal when investing?

A) Maximize my profits, even if it means taking more risks.

B) Grow my capital in a stable manner, balancing risk and security.

C) Protect my money, seeking stability rather than growth.

2. What do you do when the market drops unexpectedly?

A) I see an opportunity and buy more assets at low prices.

B) I maintain my investments and evaluate whether I should adjust my strategy.

C) I get nervous and consider selling to avoid further losses.

3. How long do you plan to hold your investments?

A) In the short term, I look for quick profits.

B) In the medium or long term, I prefer to wait and see how they develop.

C) Indefinitely, as long as they remain safe.

4. How important is the diversification of your portfolio to you?

A) Low, I prefer to concentrate my investments on high-yield opportunities.

B) Moderate, I like to diversify but also have some strong bets.

C) High, I look for a well-balanced and diversified portfolio to minimize risks.

5. How comfortable are you with taking risks?

A) Very comfortable, I believe that big risks bring big rewards.

B) Moderately comfortable, I like to take calculated risks.

C) Uncomfortable, I prefer to minimize risks as much as possible.

6. How do you inform yourself before making an investment decision?

A) I follow trends and trust my intuition.

B) I do thorough research and consult with experts.

C) I prefer to follow advice from experienced investors and trusted sources.


Majority of A: Aggressive Investor

You like taking risks to achieve high returns. You seek to maximize your profits, even if this means exposing yourself to significant potential losses. This approach can lead to high profits, but it also requires being prepared to face volatility and high risks.

Majority B: Moderate Investor

You are balanced in your investment approach. You seek stable growth, but are willing to take some calculated risks to improve your returns. This approach allows you to balance security with growth opportunities, ideal for those looking to grow their capital in a sustained manner.

Majority C: Conservative Investor

You prefer security over performance. You are more focused on protecting your capital and avoiding risk. Stability is your priority and you feel more comfortable with investments that offer more predictable returns, even if they are lower.