Request for Proposals (RFP) from the @Ethereum Foundation , soliciting bids for an audit of the bytecode of three smart contracts related to the upcoming #Pectrahardfork . Here’s the key points:

1. Purpose of the RFP: Ethereum Foundation is looking for a qualified entity to audit the bytecode of specific smart contracts that will be deployed as part of the Pectra hard fork. This audit is essential to ensure the contracts function as intended and are secure.

2. Audit Scope:

- The audit should focus solely on the smart contract bytecode and not on the entire Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) or their client implementations.

- The audit must verify that the contracts meet the functionality outlined in the related EIPs and identify any potential security vulnerabilities.

3. Contracts to be Audited:

- #EIP2935 : This contract deals with serving historical block hashes and has functions to get and set these hashes.

- #EIP7002 : This contract manages withdrawal requests for staking and includes mechanisms to prevent spam through a fee system.

- #EIP7251 : This contract is focused on consolidating validators and managing requests related to changes in consensus layer parameters.

4. Submission Guidelines:

- Proposals should be submitted via email by October 11, 2024.

- Each proposal must outline the work to be done, a timeline for completion, and the pricing for the engagement.

- The Ethereum Foundation will evaluate proposals based on technical expertise, potential start dates, and cost, with decisions expected by October 22, 2024.

5. Additional Info:

- There is an acknowledgment that #EIP authors might modify the contract code after the RFP is issued, significant changes to the functionality are not expected.

- A geas implementation of the contracts is available in the repository mentioned.

This RFP is part of process of ensuring the security and functionality of Ethereum's evolving infrastructure. (