❤️【Exclusive decryption of rebound】$BTC fell yesterday, then rose after midnight. It continued to counterattack upwards after a short retracement. It turned from weak to strong again. There are probably several reasons: ① Harris of the United States publicly expressed support for the development of cryptocurrency, ② China's latest policy began to relax restrictions on cryptocurrency, ③ The US interest rate cut of 50 basis points is coming soon, and the Nasdaq has continued to rise. The interest rate cut and reserve requirement ratio cut in the Chinese stock market also indicate a signal of opening the floodgates. Yesterday, the Myanmar A-share market rose by 4-5 points for the first time, and ④ Gold hit a record high and is about to break through the $2,700 mark. These have stimulated the rise of Bitcoin. I also wanted it to pull back so that I could buy more coins at a low price. At present, it seems unlikely to get on the train after a big pullback.

🔥For rebound, look at Vanguard $NEIRO $SEI $PHB $WIF $SUI #加密市场反弹 #哈里斯支持数字资产 #USDT市值创历史新高 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #币安上线CATI