I always feel that Bitcoin will collapse

Overnight, Bitcoin rose again, seemingly very strong, but in fact, the market is always so shaky. Lin Kun always feels that it will plummet and fall, so this rise does not affect Lin Kun's determination to be bearish!

Is 65,000 the top of Bitcoin, or 66,000 or 67,000? But it will definitely not rush to the 70,000 mark like this, which is impossible. Lin Kun believes that the sun rises in the west, and he will not believe that the market will reach the 70,000 mark, which is just the top of the point!

Bitcoin went from 52,550 to 64,745, about half a month, and the big positive line rushed directly upward, which made him crazy when Bitcoin collapsed. Now it is a crazy rhythm, and there is almost no possibility of falling back. Lin Kun always feels that it has reached the top. Is he ready to plummet 10,000 points?

In terms of Bitcoin morning operations, Lin Kun personally recommends rebounding to 64,500-65,000 shorts, and the target can be around 63,000-62,500! #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据 #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #AI概念币普涨 #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 $BTC $ETH $BNB