9.24 Trading Summary: Bearish intraday short selling, midnight ideas sharing

Today's closing line is a cross-like negative line, six consecutive positive lines turned negative, and the upper lead is long, just open short selling ideas on various platforms! Enter the market decisively in the afternoon rebound, and exit below 63000 in the evening, winning 780 points of big cake and 50 points of ether!

From the market, the daily line closed with a negative line with a long upper lead. It is obvious that the longs slowed down. The daily KDJ turned downward at a high position to initially form a dead cross, and MACD also turned downward at a high position. The volume was reduced. Although the big trend of bulls has not been broken yet, the short-term bears are dominant!

In the four-hour view, the coin price fell in the morning and touched 62690 and began to rebound. The highest rebound in the afternoon reached 63930 and peaked and retreated. The four-hour trend is still a volatile trend. The coin price runs between the upper and lower tracks, so Conan recommends operating around the range for the time being! Break the position and grasp the trend! Pay attention to the upper pressure level of 64200 and 65000, and the lower support level of 62500 and 62000. If it breaks, look at the gains and losses of the long-short battle point near 61500!

Operation ideas for 9.24 Big Cake at midnight and the next morning: short at 63500-64000, target at 63000-62500, break at 62000-61500

If large households and institutions do not ship, we can try to go long at around 62500, defend 600 points, and target at around 63000-63500

Just enter the market with Ethereum simultaneously! Short-term long-short battle, suspected of being controlled by the market maker! On-chain monitoring has found that many Big Cake concubines who have been dormant for a long time have begun to transfer to various exchanges, and there is a suspicion of pulling up shipments! Therefore, you must bring a stop loss to control risks when you go long! You can leave a message in the comment area for changes in the market, and Conan will reply when he sees it!

The golden September and silver October market has reached the mid-term. This time of year is a good time to lay out medium- and long-term plans. Friends who have positions can pay attention to it, prepare positions, and follow Conan's ideas. Let's rush together! #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹 #USDT市值创历史新高