When the market is rising, the whole market is full of good news, the leeks are trapped at the highest point, and the institutions can easily sell.

When the market is falling, there are wars everywhere, banks are in danger of collapse, and the leeks are panic selling to chase the rise and kill the fall.

$BTC Teacher Yongzhuan will always make money.

I went from 50,000 to long and stopped at 60,000, and then started shorting at 60,000. In essence, I have lost half of my money and earned 3k less. Of course, it doesn’t matter if I slowly control my position to about 1/3 of the total position, it just takes time to follow him.

Now the problem is, the market is really confusing like this.

Okay, keep holding on, let’s stand together,

Anyway, it’s 50/50 now, half and half,

One side will definitely go down first,

It just depends on who loses first. It’s normal.

#美联储宣布降息50个基点 #韭菜的恐慌出貨