⚡️ Revealing the secrets of MEME coin investment: 5 golden principles + 3-step potential identification method, accurately grasp the buying and selling opportunities, and easily play the crypto market storm!

5 principles for betting on meme:

1️⃣ Keep an eye on hot topics in the community and media to keep abreast of market trends

2️⃣ Understand the background and team of the project and check whether there is any black history

3️⃣ Set a reasonable investment ratio to avoid all-in

4️⃣ Adjust the strategy in time and do not have feelings for the money-making coins

5️⃣ Moderately reverse operations to avoid emotional operations

3 steps to judge the potential of Meme:

1️⃣ The total amount of tokens is large and there are many 0 digits

The total amount is large and the price is low. These are the characteristics of tokens that newcomers like. It is easy to satisfy vanity and the purchase threshold is low

2️⃣ Whether the user group is wide

The reason why animal coins are popular is that they are easy to understand. You don’t need to read the complicated principle introduction. You only need to know "cats and dogs". This can have a wider audience. Audience = purchasing group

3️⃣ Is it easy to spread

As above, shib and pepe have good spreadability. Strong spreadability means that more potential buyers can be covered (more people take over).

Buy/sell timing

Buy when no one cares, sell when everyone is talking.

When a small number of KOLs discuss it, you can buy it;

When it starts to spread in the community, it starts to rise;

When the media is hot and the exchange announces it, you can consider starting to ship it;

After listing on the exchange, the cost performance is extremely reduced, and it is time to leave the market completely.

Returns always coexist with risks. Before rushing to the Earth Dog, you must do a good job of risk control. No one can sell at the highest point. Selling will never lose money. Reasonably control expectations. I wish you all good luck🤑~

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