• Now, the most important thing is to buy before the uptrend.

▪︎ Many say “buy the dip” but no one explains how.🫡

▪︎ This is... a practical guide on how to buy now the drop 👇

◇ Buying the dip means buying the currency at the lowest price.

90% think this is done by buying one + guessing the landing.

□ But how can you predict this?

• Answer = You can't.

In fact, it's more complicated 👇

◇ Here is the breakdown of "buy on the downside"

To three main things:

-What are you buying?

- When to buy

- How to buy

1/ What do you buy?

The main thing is to buy strong altcoins.

By doing a simple search for one hour, you can identify the project such as:-





These are the simplest examples.

With powerful altcoins you can earn multiples.

>/ It is more difficult to choose specific projects.


I advise you to use @CryptoRank_io to check the currencies

Filter the symbols you need and search for a specific currency, taking into account:

- Good plan

- Active social community

- Benefit (if not memecoin)

Also, check the slots on locked coins.

>/ Diversification

Remember that putting your entire portfolio into one project is high risk.

So, diversify your portfolio and let your portfolio

as follows:

- 1 AI

- 2 RWA

- 3 memecoins

- 4 DeFi

>/ Purchase stages


The accumulation phase, which we are currently in, where it is necessary to buy cumulatively.

Selling: Peak Market Stage

It may last 4 to 5 months at which time the purchase is closed at a profit before the decline.

3/ How to buy?

This is exactly what separates the losers from the winners.

- How to buy.

Don't buy with everything in your wallet

Or buy in one go and expect big profits.

This is why you need to use a strategy.

/ The cost averaging strategy is simply buying the currency gradually.

Making the average purchase price as low as possible.

As an example, a $1k wallet:-

• First purchase - $200

• Second purchase - $200

• Third purchase - $300

• 4th purchase - $300

You can change the amounts however you like. This is just an example 😊

This is the end of this post.

I hope you like it

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