💥 A new era of cryptocurrency legislation!

💥 SEC Chairman Gensler leads the House hearing, and the regulatory blueprint for NFT and DeFi will be revealed soon!

The Chairman of the US SEC will attend the House hearing, focusing on cryptocurrency legislation

Overview of core events:

Date and time: 10:00 a.m., September 24, 2023 (local time)

Location: Rayburn House Office Building, U.S. House of Representatives, Room 2128

Main figures: Gary Gensler, Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and its members

Nature of the event: Hearing of the House Financial Services Committee, the theme is "Oversight of the Securities and Exchange Commission"

Analysis of key legislative issues:

HR 9578 (Digital Global and Electronic (BRIDGE) Digital Asset Regulation and Innovation Act): The bill aims to build a comprehensive regulatory framework for digital assets and promote the parallel development of innovation and compliance.

Tokenized securities and derivatives rule evaluation: requires the SEC to work with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to conduct in-depth research and evaluate whether new guidelines or rules are needed to promote the healthy growth of the tokenized securities and derivatives market.

"New Frontier Technology (NFT) Act": Focusing on the field of NFT (non-fungible tokens), it is expected to explore issues such as the legal status, trading regulations and intellectual property protection of NFT.

Amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934: Propose to exempt decentralized financial (DeFi) activities from the existing securities law supervision scope, and explore the applicability of the law in other aspects to adapt to the development of emerging financial technologies.

🤔 Summary:

This hearing marks an important step in the legislative process related to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology in the United States. The testimony of SEC Chairman Gary Gensler and his team will provide key guidance for future regulatory policy formulation, especially for the construction of regulatory frameworks for emerging fields such as digital assets, NFTs and DeFi.

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