I have always been one of those who look for alternatives and as a professional in IT and information technology I was attracted to this world. In my country Venezuela, where inflation and economic instability are daily occurrences, we find ourselves in need of finding ways to protect our assets and generate additional income, which is becoming a necessity. That is how I entered the fascinating world of cryptocurrencies.

I remember when all this started. At a meeting of friends and colleagues, one of our buddies talked about investing in Bitcoin. Although I had little information on the subject at first, since I was always more involved in web design and programming, as well as in the world of physical network implementation, I got curious and started to investigate on my own, watch tutorials on YouTube, read articles on specialized blogs, and was somewhat supported by AI. At first, everything seemed a bit complex, but little by little I began to understand the basic concepts.

The first steps:

The first thing I did was create a digital wallet. I chose one that seemed safe and easy to use. Then, I registered with Binance so I could buy my first cryptocurrencies. At first, I invested a small amount of money to test and familiarize myself with the platform, you know, with the fear of losing everything because of what I had read and watched on YouTube.

Where to start?

If you are thinking of taking your first steps in the crypto world, I recommend that you start by getting well informed. Read everything you can on the subject, ask people who already have experience and join discussion groups on social networks, check on YouTube and even rely on the different AI. It is also important that you choose a reliable and secure exchange.

The challenges of being Venezuelan in the crypto world:

Being Venezuelan has its peculiarities when it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies. As good Venezuelans, we know about the constant changes in the economy and government restrictions that can make transactions difficult and generate uncertainty. However, the crypto community in Venezuela is very active and supportive, and there is always someone willing to help within the framework of respect and tolerance, although you will always find those who do not waste time to encourage any kind of political hatred outside the purpose of the initial topic.

Is it worth investing in cryptocurrencies?

This is a question that everyone must answer for themselves. Cryptocurrencies are a volatile investment and can lead to big gains, but also big losses. It is important that you only invest the money that you are willing to lose and that you diversify your portfolio.

My learnings:

In my experience, investing in cryptocurrencies has allowed me to:

  • Protecting my assets: Cryptocurrencies are a way to escape inflation and the devaluation of the local currency.

  • Generate additional income: Through trading and staking, although to be honest I still have a lot to learn about it, but it is possible to make profits with cryptocurrencies.

  • Being part of a global community: The crypto community is very diverse and passionate, and has allowed me to meet people from all over the world.

If you are reading this and are thinking about entering the crypto world, I encourage you to do so. It is an exciting adventure full of opportunities, but you already know that there are risks of losing and gaining your money.