💰How to save if you have nothing to save

đŸ’”It can be difficult to start saving when it seems like there is nothing to save. Here are some tips that can help:

1. Start small: Even small amounts can turn into significant savings over time. Try to save at least 1-3% of each income

2. Automate savings: Set up an automatic transfer of a small amount to a savings account every month. This will help you remember to save

3. Get rid of unnecessary expenses: Analyze your expenses and try to reduce unnecessary expenses. For example, you can refuse to buy takeaway coffee or reduce the number of trips to a cafe

4. Use a fine system: Set up a fine system for yourself for bad habits. For example, for every cigarette you smoke, put aside 200 rubles

5. Plan a budget: Keep track of your income and expenses to better understand where your money is going and where you can save

6. Look for additional sources of income: Consider a part-time job or freelancing to increase your income and be able to put aside more