Many investors set the size and depth of their trading orders without careful consideration or based on enthusiasm. As a result, whether it is a small or large amount of principal, the funds often end up being zero. Such stories are played out almost every day. When these investors finally realize the problem and seek help, they often have lost the capital to re-enter the market.

The wise thing to do is to follow the trading rules and rationally decide the entry time and position management. When you are willing to share your position situation, I can provide you with personalized strategy suggestions based on this information to help you control risks more effectively, and even in some cases, minimize losses or achieve profits.

However, it cannot be ignored that the market is full of overconfident investors. For example, on New Year's Day this year, an investor took a huge amount of 1.5 million U and shorted TRB with all positions, and confidently claimed that he would never blow up his position. However, the market is ruthless, and the violent fluctuations of TRB eventually made him pay a painful price. The funds shrank significantly overnight. Such a precise attack may not be an isolated case. Now, the investor's account is restricted or cancelled, which has become a profound lesson.

Before each transaction, you should set clear profit and loss points, and plan a response strategy, including how to withdraw in adverse situations and how to increase your position at the right time. If you invest all your funds just based on impulse and feeling, even if you occasionally get out of the trap, it is more of a matter of luck. In the long run, this trading method will only make the market your teacher, teaching you the importance of risk management and position control.