⚡️ China's cryptocurrency policy has changed dramatically❓

⚡️ Beijing blockchain hub leads a new era, Conflux, VeChain and others may usher in golden opportunities❗️

A new trend in China's cryptocurrency?

The construction of Beijing blockchain hub is booming, and the industry has speculated that the spring breeze of China's cryptocurrency policy may be coming.

From the successful application of "Chang'an Chain" in taxation, digital identity and other fields to the construction of the national blockchain hub node that was launched at the end of last year, every step demonstrates China's profound foundation and forward-looking layout in the field of blockchain technology.

If the policy direction really changes, China and even Hong Kong concept coins such as Conflux, VeChain, Filecoin, etc. may usher in a golden age. Their innovative practices in the Ethereum ecosystem are expected to shine more brightly in this vibrant land of China.

The future of blockchain and cryptocurrency is becoming clearer and more promising with the injection of Chinese power.

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