Whether it is a contract, spot, inscription or NFT, there are K-line charts for cryptocurrency trading, so you need to remember these most effective trading mantras:

1. Buy horizontal and pits, not vertical, the selling point is at the boiling point;

2. Continuous small increases are real increases, and continuous large increases require exiting the market;

3. A sharp rise requires a retracement, and no deep pits should be dug or large purchases should be made;

4. The main rise should reach its peak, and a sharp drop should be sold quickly, and a slow rise should be sold slowly;

5. A sharp drop without volume is a threat, and a slow drop with large volume should be withdrawn quickly;

6. If the price breaks through the lifeline, do not hesitate to make waves;

7. Look carefully at the daily and monthly lines, and follow the main force to build a position;

8. If the coin price rises without volume, the main force will lure more and don’t stand guard;

9. A new low with shrinking volume is a bottom image, and an incremental rebound requires entry;

10. The simpler things in the currency circle are often the more effective, and all the mantras are the crystallization of wisdom. Learn these mantras, remember them, and use them in actual combat, which will definitely save you a lot of detours.