
Many people envy the United States, especially the American electoral system. They think that anyone can become the president of the United States and call the shots in the world. In fact, the so-called American presidential election is "legal bribery". The more money one has, the greater the chance of winning. Moreover, everyone knows a very simple truth: taking money from others, eliminating disasters for them! Therefore, the newly elected president must repay the financial backers behind the scenes. This is the truth behind the American election!
For example, in the 2020 election, Biden successfully won, which made Trump very dissatisfied. But looking at their fundraising situation, it is clear. It can be said that the 2020 election is the most expensive election in the history of the United States. Although the performance of Republican candidate Trump is very eye-catching, he has won the support of a large number of fans and raised $601 million, but the proportion of wealthy people among these fans is still small. Look at Biden again, he actually raised $952 million, far ahead of Trump.

图片Therefore, although Trump is unwilling, the dollar has already explained everything. Even if he makes a fuss, it will be useless in the end. He can only hope for the general election at the end of this year. Unexpectedly, the ambitious King of Understanding has been particularly pessimistic recently. According to the British "Guardian", former US President and Republican presidential candidate Trump said that if he loses to Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Harris in the general election in November this year, he will not run for US President again! It should be admitted that Trump is still very competitive. Trump, 78, has served as the Republican presidential candidate for three consecutive times and has reshaped the Republican Party in the past eight years. Moreover, compared with Biden, he is several years younger, so many people are curious, if he fails in this year's general election, will he choose to continue fighting and prepare for the next election?

Recently, when the host asked Trump about this issue, he answered directly: "No, I don't think so. I don't think so at all." He then added: "I hope we can win a big victory."图片Although Trump's answer was ambiguous, it was clear that he was not confident enough. Moreover, this was the second time in four days that Trump mentioned the possibility of failure. At an event last Thursday, Trump hinted that if he lost the election, it would be partly due to the Jews. Why did he say that? Because Trump considers himself the best president for Israel, and his son-in-law is Jewish, and his favorite daughter has also converted to Judaism. However, what makes him angry is that only 40% of Jewish voters support him. Therefore, he said: "If I don't win this election, it has a lot to do with the Jews, because 60% of Jews are voting for their opponents." In fact, although Trump is known as the king of understanding, there are also things he doesn't understand.

Because the interests of Israel and the Jewish people are not consistent, and even Israel is divided into multiple political factions. Recently, Israeli Defense Minister Galant had a tit-for-tat with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on the Gaza issue. Therefore, Trump thought that if he fully supported Israel, the Jewish forces in the United States should fully support him, which was obviously a wrong judgment. This can also be seen from the campaign funds obtained by the Democratic and Republican parties. Recently, CNN reported that Harris's campaign team raised about $361 million in August, far exceeding the approximately $130 million raised by the Trump team in the same period. Although there is no detailed data, Jews control the finances of the United States, so most of the funds supporting the Democratic Party may come from Jewish consortiums!图片Funds are the lifeblood of the US election, and the amount of funds raised is often linked to the support rate. Sure enough, according to a poll released by CBS two days ago, Harris leads Trump nationwide with 52% to 48%. This made Trump feel that the general situation was not good, so he began to use his best means to threaten voters.

Previously, Trump repeatedly stated that he won the 2020 election and Biden entered the White House because the election was rigged. In this year's campaign, Trump's advantage over Biden was very obvious, so he was also very relaxed. However, no one expected that Biden would change people at a critical moment! At the beginning, Trump pretended to be calm and claimed that Harris was easier to defeat than Biden. Soon he found that this opponent was not simple! So Trump began to use big moves! Recently, Trump claimed in a speech that if Democratic opponent Harris was elected president, it might lead to Israel facing an existential crisis, and even further claimed that this might lead to the United States ceasing to exist!

According to Trump, if he fails to win the election, this may be the last election in the United States, and the United States may no longer exist! Although Trump's remarks may be intended to inspire panic and urgency among voters and prompt them to vote for him, the scene he described is not completely impossible to happen. Because the biggest difference between the United States and other countries is that it is formed by the merger of a number of small countries, so the official name of the United States is the United States of America. Therefore, once the various political factions cannot reach a consensus on major interests, or the distribution is unfair, the United States may split into many small countries.

Seeing this, some people may think that this will completely make the United States lose its position as the world hegemon. However, don't be so optimistic. Recently, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in response to media inquiries that Russian President Putin's recent statement that Russia supports US Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris was a joke.


Lavrov added that Russia's attitude towards the US election will not change, because the US is actually controlled by the notorious "deep government". In other words, Russia sees very clearly that whether Harris or Trump comes to power, the outcome will be the same. Because the real master of the United States is the "deep government", not the president, nor the Senate and the House of Representatives!

There is a saying in the United States: "The Republican Party belongs to the Rockefeller family, and the Democratic Party belongs to the Morgan family." The Rockefeller Consortium and the Morgan Consortium once belonged to the Rothschild family. The Rothschild family is a wealthy family that originated from the German Jewish banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild in the 18th century. Therefore, no matter who is president, or even whether the United States is divided into many small countries, the big boss behind the scenes is still the Jewish consortium! Today, the Jewish financial capital and Anglo-Saxon capital in the United States, as well as their intersection and integration with entities such as the military-industrial complex, have become a powerful force that controls the entire Western world.


To sum it up in one sentence: Jewish capital is permanent, but American presidents are changing! Therefore, in the eyes of Western big capital, the American president is just a spokesperson. In this case, whoever raises more campaign funds will get more support and naturally have a greater chance of coming to power! This may be the main reason why Trump is thinking about retiring. However, Trump has not completely given up and still hopes for another miracle like in 2016. However, even if he gets lucky and comes to power, it may not be a good thing.

Now, he has already suffered two assassination attempts before he even came to power. Therefore, he had better refer to what happened to Lincoln and Kennedy. With his strength, he is no match for the Jewish consortium!