Despite regulatory challenges on the Telegram platform, which requires users to disclose their IP addresses, the price of TONcoin has continued to rise, breaking through the $5 mark again. This shows that the market remains optimistic about TONcoin, although the future trend is affected by many factors.

Telegram has strengthened content monitoring to combat illegal activities and may provide information on offending users to regulators. This move is intended to purify the platform environment, but it may also raise user privacy concerns and indirectly affect the future of TONcoin.

Currently, TONcoin is trading at around $5.58. Although there has been a slight correction recently, it has an overall upward trend. However, market volatility has increased and investor sentiment is mixed. Santiment data shows that TON's funding rate has turned negative, indicating that traders are cautious about short-term trends. At the same time, the net flow of large holders has dropped significantly, further exacerbating the bearish sentiment in the market.

From a technical perspective, TONcoin has encountered strong resistance at $5.68. If it cannot break through, the price may fall back. Investors need to pay close attention to the breakthrough of this key resistance level and the movements of large holders to determine the next trend of TONcoin.

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