"With only 44 days left until the US election, data from the blockchain-based prediction market Polymarket provides us with a unique perspective. Vice President Kamala Harris has a slight advantage with 52% support, followed closely by former President Donald Trump with 47%. This data dynamic reflects the subtle changes in voter sentiment and the uncertainty of the election. The application of blockchain technology makes the prediction market more transparent and difficult to manipulate, presenting us with a relatively objective trend. However, we should also recognize that this is only a snapshot at the moment. As the campaign progresses, policy proposals spread, and various emergencies are affected, support rates may fluctuate dramatically. The outcome of the election will ultimately depend on the combined effect of many factors, including the final choice of voters, the strategic execution of the campaign team, and changes in the socioeconomic environment. We will continue to pay attention to data changes from Polymarket and other channels to better understand the development trend of this critical election.